Social Justice Learning Institute

California and Texas

Social Justice Learning Institute envisions communities where education empowers individuals to use their agency for the purpose of improving each other's lives. We work to educate and empower youth and community members to identify and rectify injustice; build capacity for individuals and communities to advocate for their own needs; and deliver effective programs, resources and support to our community. We empower through education, create thriving communities and change policies and systems with our Educational Equity, Health Equity, Policy and Advocacy program areas.

Our Urban Scholars program is offered at 22 school sites in seven school districts in two states. Our Healthy Eating and Active Living classes serve 2,600 community members; and our Food for Thought Produce Pickup (FFTPP) serves approximately 4,000 families with fresh fruits and vegetables each week. Our policy and advocacy work supports Boys and Men of Color, promotes rent stabilization, and addresses health disparities within communities of color. SJLI serves young men of color ages 12 to 24 in the communities of Inglewood, Compton, Watts, South Los Angeles, Lennox, Lancaster, Palmdale, and Long Beach, California as well as Houston, Texas. These communities are economically vulnerable, under-resourced and face many challenges including high rates of un- and under-employment, deteriorating school infrastructures, and limited access to healthy food sources. Many of our students and their families are living with disproportionate rates of diet and environmentally related chronic diseases. The age of our entire service population ranges from 12 to 70+.

SJLI is dedicated to improving the education, health, and well-being of youth and communities of color by empowering them to enact social change through research, training, and community mobilization.