Roots & Remedies family!
Theaters never go fully dark. Every night, after the performance is over, once the audience has departed, when the cast is safely in their homes and the concessions and cleaners are all gone, the theater manager turns on a ghost light and puts it on the stage. There are safety reasons for the ghost light, but some long-time theater folk say that the true function is to light the way for the ghosts that are said to live in every theater to help them continue their performances safely lest they trip or fall into the orchestra pit.
Just before COVID affected our ability to travel and come together safely, Praxis staff had started planning for Roots and Remedies 2020 in Denver, CO. Though COVID has prohibited us from convening in person, there is nothing to stop us from coming together virtually.
The second weekend of July—our traditional Roots & Remedies weekend—is upon us. In these uncertain times, we will not allow the lack of physically convening stop our efforts for a better world. In fact, we are seeing our partners do some incredible work for #BlackLivesMatter, #CounselorsNotCops, #MMIW, #AbolishICE, #NoKidsInCages, #NoDAPL/#NoKXL, and #MniWiconi—all of this under the darkness of #COVID-19. It is in this darkness that our collective work, like the ghost light, continues to burn bright to protect our communities by challenging systemic violence and structural racism.
Roots & Remedies brings together social justice activists and progressive networks to learn about best practices and explore opportunities for shared work to make our communities healthier and safer.