Acquiring new/deepening skills & knowledge

Learning new skills, deepening existing skills, and sharing these supports leadership development and basebuilding.

  • Community-centered/-led initiatives are not always about learning new skills, but rather deepening our understanding of what it means to work with and be effective with community.

  • Power building means that learning is bi-directional, everyone at the table has something to learn, whether it is a skill, a capacity, historical insight, or an understanding of relationships.

  • Through deepening skills, we can take our vision for transformation and put it into action.

  • We develop critical consciousness that goes beyond trying to “fix” things moving forward, but rather grounds solutions in communities’ historical, cultural, economic, and political contexts. Solutions always trend towards transformation, not incremental and marginal changes.

  • Developing a critical consciousness also requires learning (or unlearning) how we need to do things so that we are effective, but do not do more harm or perpetuate harmful ways of doing things and then codify this learning into practice.