Statement on January 6, 2021

Praxis and our national organizing partners work hard to increase community engagement in our nation's electoral system and to overcome structural barriers that have been intentionally designed to decrease participation from non-white voters. The November 2020 Presidential election showed the power of an engaged community. The outcomes of the election in Georgia earlier this week demonstrated the power of community organizing to increase eligible voters to participate in this crucial election. People have died for the right to vote and for ensuring access to the ballot box. Through this lens of electoral equity, participation, and inclusion, Praxis condemns the blatant attack on democracy and the blatantly permitted and encouraged display of attempted disenfranchisement legitimized by systemic white supremacy at our nation's Capitol yesterday. Voter suppression in all its forms—from limiting access to polling places in our communities, to storming our Capitol to hijack the electoral process, and to supporting and encouraging attacks on democracy—is what treason looks like.

We believe that any elected official that works to disenfranchise U.S. voters or the systems that appropriately certify electoral outcomes must be held criminally accountable for treason or sedition. Further, the police, as an institution, has shown us time and time again that it was designed to intimidate and control Black and brown communities. When organizers sought justice in 2020 in protests for Black lives and when indigenous groups sought to protect ancient burial grounds and access to clean water at Standing Rock in 2017, police attacked. The complicity and ugly display of white supremacy and privilege at the assault of the Capitol yesterday is not lost on those who consistently fight to ensure justice and human rights for all marginalized communities. We demand bold action to hold accountable those police forces who complicity participate or stand by as violence is wrought by people and systems defending structural foundations of white supremacy.

Praxis is very proud of the intensity of the organizing efforts to ensure full civic participation in the national election last November and of the incredible lift in Georgia earlier this week. This is what democracy looks like, and we will continue to walk alongside our organizing partners who work tirelessly to overcome voter suppression in their communities. Our voices matter and justice will prevail.