4/21/2022: History Bearing Fruit to the Present, The MORE Act


In Praxis Season 3 - Food Justice

Ep 3 Release


Season 3 of In Praxis continues! Join us as we explore community driven strategies for food justice in our latest episode.

Ep.3: History Bearing Fruit to the Present - Kyle Tsukahira

Kyle Tsukahira is the Co-Director of API Forward Movement based in Los Angeles, CA. In this episode, Kyle shares his journey into food justice work and his work to increase access to affordable and culturally relevant foods across ethnic backgrounds for the diverse Asian Pacific Islander community. Listen to the episode.

*A transcript of this episode, edited for readability, is included on the website.


The MORE Act — the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement Act


This act is historic in scope. It would end the criminalization of cannabis for adults by removing it from the list of controlled substances, eliminate related criminal penalties, and take several other major steps toward criminal justice reform, social justice, and economic development. 


Take Action: With hundreds of thousands of arrests for marijuana every year that unfairly punish Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and low-income communities, the Senate must not delay overdue justice any longer. Tell your Senators to move marijuana justice reform forward as soon as possible.

  • Emergent Rapid Response Fund. Emergent Fund supports emergent strategies that help communities respond through building power and long-term efforts social and economic justice efforts. Grants range from $10,000 to $30,000. Learn more & Apply.

  • The Youth Access to Nature Fund. This fund from Justice Outside works to ensure youth of color in the San Francisco Bay Area have access to meaningful experiences in nature to support their growth as leaders and students, and to improve their mental and physical health. Grants are offered up to $25,000. Applications are due April 30, 2022. Learn more & Apply.

  • Resist Grants for organizing, basebuilding, direct action, and cultural organizing. Resist foundation support groups organizing within communities for structural social and economic change. Grant applications are due quarterly (June 3, 2022) and provide general support groups for up to $4000 and up to $1000 for rapid response. Learn more & Apply.

The Praxis Project is a values-driven national nonprofit organization that seeks to improve health justice through partnerships to build community power. Our Community Power Digest - Monthly Newsletter features updates and news from The Praxis Project and our basebuilding network. If you'd like to stop receiving emails from us, simply click here to unsubscribe.